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EchoLink Finder

This app will display the nearest IRLP nodes on a map. You can use your current location, or enter an address. A great app for Ham Radio over IRLP.

Click on any node on the map to get connection details. The details include the node’s frequency and tone, and whether the node is idle or not. Free + No Ads.

On the right is the QR code – just scan and it takes you directly to the Android market. If you need a scanner, just search for “QR reader” in the Android Market.

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Dennis
    Dec 10 2010

    Great App.

    The only thing i miss ist an option to select a location somewhere over the map and to get the nearest Node from the selected point.



  2. Hamdroid
    Dec 10 2010

    Would it work if there was a button to set the search location at the center of the current map view?

  3. Dennis
    Dec 11 2010

    Yes. This would be great.

  4. Reinhard
    Dec 26 2013


    Thank’s nice app!

    There is DB0JJ in JO50SU too.

  5. Dec 21 2014

    it’s time. I did all my studying on-line using flash cards from vaiuros sites and taking tests on each section as I mastered it. I skipped a couple that I thought were too difficult and saved them for last. After going over all the sections and getting 85% or more, I started taking practice 50 question tests from as many sites as I could find. After taking more then 50 practice tests and passing them all, I went to the Pine State ARC Hamfest at Herman HS and nervously took the Extra exam. I thought about going back and changing a few of the answers, but decided my first guess would be the best I got 46 out of 50 right and now have that nice looking Extra Class ticket in my pocket It was a lifelong dream come true. I am a complete dunce with electronics theory .so if I can pas the Extra, I believe ANYONE can I spent about 6 weeks morning, noon and night studying, while holding down a full time job (I’m retired now) GO FOR IT!! 73 s George Dean, WA1JMM, President, Piscataquis ARC.

  6. Oct 25 2015

    Hello, pliss add my node: 430.775 tone 77 conference: CZR-ESP ubication: Mollet del Vallès, Barcelona.

    thank you!!!

  7. Hamdroid
    Mar 29 2017

    The app does not have it’s own directory. It uses the official online directory for IRLP and Echolink.

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